Give players groundbreaking game mechanics, dynamic NPCs, and worlds that evolve with each action. Whether you're looking to unlock novel gameplay, create content at scale, improve player immersion, or elevate the game play, April helps level up your game development with Artificial Intelligence.

Introducing April Platform

Create fun, immersive and dynamic games quicker with increased retention and monetization using Generative AI models.

  • April NPC Engine

    Create next-gen games by adding novel gameplay, dynamic game states and AI agents that take NPCs to the next level. Even make emotional connections.

  • April Asset Engine

    Generate game asset in seconds along with easy game asset management using AI. Every game asset tagged, versioned, organised and saved on secure cloud.

  • April Metalayer Engine

    Scaleable plug and play game metalayer and backend to slash game development time. Everything from player authentication, progression, live-ops to shops.

  • April Story Engine

    Create dynamic storyline, narration and player interactions to drive an immersive gaming forward. Every player experiences a unique gameplay.

Smartest way to create games

No code solutions

Easy access to latest AI gametech and trends without writing a single line of code.

Impact core game loops

Drive engaging gaming loops that keep players coming back again and again for a unique gaming experience.

Real-time AI

Increase user retention with engaging, immersive and every evolving gameplay every time.

Drive player engagement

Drive replayability, session length, retention, and ARPU with immersive storylines and characters

Ship games faster

Streamline your creative and game development process, so you can spend more time on core gameplay.

Easy-to-use integrations

Build once and deploy everywhere with integrations for common game engines and applications.

Connect the Gaming World with AI

April platform is powered by industry leading Generative AI models. The main focus of our research and development is Reinforcement Learning, that will bring Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models to gaming and unlock limitless opportunities.

Smart, intelligent, funny and emotionally available

Ready for gamification. All our NPCs are intelligent, have feelings and can understand a wide range of emotions in real-time.

Is there more?

We are just getting started, with a whole host of new AI engines and AI models in the pipeline.

  • April QA Engine

    AI Agent that automatically explore all levels, interact with all parts of the game to detect bugs and performance to provide more reliable testing results.

  • April Player Engine

    AI Agents that can play with you at all skill levels, just like a friend . Drive game balancing and ensure you always have a friend to play and engage with.

  • April Game Engine

    AI Agents that can enable anyone to design, build, and publish amazing games with text and video inputs. Reduced time for prototyping, testing and launching a game.

Unleash the power of your imagination

We are on a mission to empower Indie Game Studios streamline game development process, create immersive and dynamic games that will increase user retention. Our groundbreaking AI engine helps transform an ideas into reality, so that no creative spark is left to wither away. With April, your imagination becomes your canvas, and the impact on your game is only a few clicks away.